12989 Jupiter Rd. Suite #106 Dallas, TX 75238

Dental Bridge Dallas, TX

Do you have multiple missing teeth in a row? Try a dental bridge. We provide dental bridge treatment for patients with one or more consecutive missing teeth in Dallas, TX. A bridge is a restorative dentistry treatment that uses tooth-colored false teeth and the support of natural teeth or dental implants

Dental Bridge in Dallas, TX

Dental Bridge Treatment in Dallas, TX

A traditional dental bridge uses the support of teeth on either side of a tooth gap. Dentists prepare these natural teeth for dental crowns, or caps, that hold the dental bridge in place.

While traditional dental bridges are a quick and efficient way to replace one or more missing teeth, we will often recommend dental implants to secure bridges. Dental implants can secure dental bridges for a longer-lasting and more functional restoration. 

If you choose implant-secured bridges, we will place the dental implant or implants first and then the dental bridge. While it will take time for the implants to heal after surgery, the results will be worth it.

Dental implants act as replacement teeth and support dental restorations like bridges at the root. Implants consist of titanium posts an oral surgeon places in the jaw bone. Once the implant post heals, it can support a bridge.

A single dental implant can also prevent the need for a dental bridge. You will not need a bridge if you have one missing tooth and adjacent healthy teeth. A dental bridge will damage natural teeth adjacent to your tooth cap for dental crowns. Instead, you can receive a single implant without affecting natural, healthy teeth.

As with other restorations, you must clean your dental bridge by brushing and flossing daily. You can brush and floss gently as you would with natural teeth. We also recommend regular dental visits so we can ensure that your bridge fits properly and stays comfortable. 

Restore Missing Teeth Today

Are you missing one or more teeth? Contact our dental office for a dental bridge consultation online. You can also call Lochwood Family Dental at 214-544-9633. Please let us know if you have questions about your dental bridge options. We will help you find the best restoration for your needs.