12989 Jupiter Rd. Suite #106 Dallas, TX 75238

General Dentistry Dallas, TX

You know that when you visit the dentist, you receive an exam, cleaning, and consultation. You may not know that routine, preventative care is part of general dentistry. Preventative dental treatments stop current dental problems from becoming more complex problems over time.

General dentistry treatments in our Dallas, TX, dental office can remove tooth decay, address emergency dental problems, and ensure comfortable care. Additionally, our office provides comprehensive dental services in Dallas, Texas.

General Dentistry in Dallas, TX

General Dentistry in Dallas, TX

Our general dental treatments can ensure comfortable care and prevent dental problems from worsening. The general dental care we provide includes: 

Emergency Dentistry

We provide emergency dental care for patients who require prompt, professional treatment. Common dental emergencies we treat include toothaches, knocked-out teeth, and broken or lost dental restorations. 

Dental Sedation

Sedation dentistry is a dental tool to ensure patient comfort during dental treatments. We may use dental sedation for more complex or lengthy treatments.


After cleaning out or removing old fillings, decay, chips, or small fractures from a tooth, we restore them with a tooth-colored resin called composite. We no longer use amalgam metal or silver-colored fillings. Depending on the case, these newly developed composite materials can also be used for simple esthetic bonding on the front teeth.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are tiny passageways that branch off the tooth’s crown, coursing vertically downward until they reach the root tip. All teeth have between one and four root canals.

Many tooth problems involve infections that spread to the pulp, the inner chamber of the tooth containing blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues. When the infection becomes worse, it can begin affecting the roots. A traumatic injury to a tooth can also compromise the pulp, leading to similar problems.

A diseased inner tooth brings many problems, including pain and sensitivity as the first indications of a problem. A spreading infection can also cause small pus pockets to develop, leading to an abscess.

Root canal therapy is a complex treatment that involves removing the diseased nerve and tissue, halting the spread of infection, and restoring the healthy portion of the tooth. Root canal therapy is designed to save a problem tooth as an alternative to extraction.

The Root Canal Procedure

Root canal therapy usually entails one to three visits. During the first visit, we drill a small hole through the top of the tooth and into the inner chamber. We remove the diseased tissue, cleanse and disinfect the inner chamber, and reshape the canals.

Then, we fill the cleansed chamber and canals with an elastic material and medication to prevent infection. If necessary, we will temporarily fill the drilled hole until we make a permanent seal with a crown.

Most patients with root canals experience little or no discomfort or pain. They enjoy a restored tooth that can last almost as long as its healthy original.

Schedule a Dental Appointment

Contact our office by calling 214-544-9633. You can also request a dental consultation on our website.