12989 Jupiter Rd. Suite #106 Dallas, TX 75238

Cosmetic Dentistry Dallas, TX

Do you want to change the look of your smile? Cosmetic dentistry can fix imperfections like tooth gaps, stains, and more. Our cosmetic dentistry services in Dallas, TX, create brighter and straighter teeth for a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Dr. Jennifer Nguyen and Dr. Christina Nguyen collaborate with patients to ensure their cosmetic treatments align with their goals. If you are concerned about the shape, size, or shade of your teeth, you’re in good hands. Drs. Nguyen offer high-quality treatments that deliver long-lasting results.

Cosmetic Dentist in Dallas, TX

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that mainly focuses on improving the smile’s look. However, cosmetic dentistry is more than aesthetics. Cosmetic dental care can also improve your oral health and confidence in your smile.

After receiving cosmetic care, you may feel more motivated to maintain your bright, straight teeth. In many cases, patients who are unhappy with their smiles may not visit the dentist as often. After cosmetic care, you want to ensure your results last. Dentists see a higher compliance rate with retainer use or a consistent oral hygiene routine after cosmetic care.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right For Me?

We recommend cosmetic dentistry for patients with one or more of these problems: 

  • Crooked teeth
  • Tooth gaps
  • Discolored teeth
  • Misshapen teeth

However, we will not recommend cosmetic dental care if you need general or restorative treatments. We recommend treating dental infections and gum disease so you are healthy enough for cosmetic treatment. Once you are healthy, we will work with you to find the best treatment possible. 

Cosmetic Dentistry in Dallas, TX

Our cosmetic dental treatments address your smile’s appearance. Once we ensure patients are in good oral health, they can receive cosmetic dental treatments:

Teeth Whitening

Dull, yellow, or stained teeth can impact your self-confidence. If you aren’t happy with the look of your teeth, you may cover them around others. You may benefit from professional teeth whitening if you’ve tried store-bought whitening treatments without results. Professional whitening is customized to treat your specific types of stains.

Our office offers lab-fabricated bleaching trays with take-home bleaching gel. We also provide in-office whitening procedures that allow you to achieve your desired brightness in one office visit. In-office teeth whitening treatment is a great option if you are attending a special event or want to make a good first impression. Our professional whitening treatments provide noticeable and immediate results.


If you have crooked teeth but don’t want braces, we may recommend Invisalign. Clear Invisalign aligners are a modern alternative to traditional metal braces. Invisalign uses a series of aligners to shift teeth into a straighter position. Many patients enjoy Invisalign over traditional braces because they are discreet and removable.

Patients can eat and brush their teeth without wires or brackets in the way. Invisalign is a great option for teens and adults with mild to moderate orthodontic problems. 

Porcelain Veneers

If you have stains, tooth gaps, or other cosmetic issues but don’t need Invisalign or whitening treatment, veneers may suit you. Porcelain veneers are shell-like treatments that we place on the front of teeth. Veneers can cover one or more teeth in the smile line or the teeth that show when you smile.

Dental veneers can address problems like gaps between teeth, tooth discoloration, and slightly crooked teeth. We may recommend veneers if deep stains don’t react to whitening treatment. Dental veneers are a good alternative to whitening if you want lasting results. We customize and offer porcelain veneers that reflect light for a natural look.

Teeth Bonding

More minor cosmetic imperfections do not need lengthy or complicated treatments. Quick composite bonding treatment is great for minor problems like chips, cracks, or stains that affect one or two teeth.

Teeth bonding is a service that allows our dentists to correct minor blemishes on your dental structures. With dental bonding, we can conceal blemishes like bleach-resistant stains, minor cracks, chips, or even gaps.

The tooth bonding procedure is minimally invasive. It involves the use of a resin-based material similar to dental fillings. We place the resin over the tooth. Then, we shape it to blend seamlessly with your tooth and the rest of your mouth.

Bonding is similar to veneers because it covers damaged and stained teeth. However, bonding offers faster and less costly treatment. We may recommend bonding if you only need to treat one or several teeth.

What is a Smile Makeover?

Are you unhappy with your smile? Do you have multiple problems you want to fix? If so, a smile makeover may be right for you. 

A smile makeover uses several cosmetic treatments to transform your smile completely. However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The treatments you will need depend on your specific concerns. The goal of a smile makeover is to improve the look and function of your smile.

To begin the makeover process, you will first meet with us for a consultation. At this visit, we welcome you to tell us your concerns and goals for your smile. We will also examine your teeth, gums, and jaw to determine if you require treatments to improve oral health.

Once you are healthy, we can begin your treatment. Our cosmetic treatments, which include veneers, teeth whitening, bonding, and Invisalign are available to complete this makeover. We will work with you to determine which treatments you need. Smile makeovers can treat tooth gaps, crooked teeth, tooth stains, and tooth damage.

Because smile makeovers use multiple treatments, it may take time to complete the process. However, you will benefit from a long-lasting, beautiful smile once your makeover is complete.

Improve Your Smile

Enhance your natural smile with cosmetic dentistry treatment in Dallas, TX. Contact Lochwood Family Dental today at 214-544-9633. You can also schedule a dental appointment with Drs. Nguyen online. We serve patients from Highland Meadows, Towngate, and Lake Highlands.

Are you unsure which cosmetic treatment is best for you? Ask us about your options after we examine your smile. We will find the right cosmetic solution to meet your goals.